Our scientific work

We are committed to lock behind our medicolegal work. As a result, we have started to discuss interesting cases and to find out their relevance for our Clients and our work. The Client's injury is put into context with a review of the best available literature. The essence is published and made accessible to the public.


The Isolated Volkmann Fracture

Isolated Volkmann Fracture ECOR-25-CR-10
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Intracranial Hemorrhage in Intoxicated Patients: A High Degree of Suspicion Leads to the Diagnosis

EC Orthopaedics 16.3 (2025): 01-05
Intracranial Hemorrhage in Intoxicated P
Adobe Acrobat Document 590.0 KB

The Masked Heart Attack in a 72-year Old With Chronic Neck Pain

ECOR-15-01057 Masked Heart attack in a 7
Adobe Acrobat Document 589.6 KB

Cement Burn Leading to the Amputation of the Lower Leg

Emergency Medicine and Critical Care 7.4 (2023): 33-36
Cement burn leading to the amputation of
Adobe Acrobat Document 352.7 KB

Spontaeous intracerebral bleeding under Xarelto

Asymptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage un
Adobe Acrobat Document 363.9 KB

Maisonneuve like injuries to the ankle - A case review

EC Orthopaedics 14.4 (2023): 32-36
Maisonneuve like fracture - A case repor
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Chronified lower back pain after whiplash - What can the expert expect?

EC Orthopaedics 13.10 (2022). Published October 4 2022
Chronified lower back pain after whiplas
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Spontaneous Splenic Rupture under Xarelto

EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System 8.12 (2021)
Splenic rupture under Xarelto ECGDS-21-C
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Ileocolic intussusception secondary to a small bowel lipoma

Ileocolic Intussusception Secondary to a Small Bowel Lipoma
2021 4 10 EC GDS Ileocolic Intussuscept
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Pneumothorax with pneumomediastinum and extensive subcutaneous emphysema related to Covid-19 infection

EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine 10.4 (2021): 34-37.

EC Covid and Pneumothorax 2021 3 26 ECPR
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Splenic Rupture with Dissection of the Renal Artery in a Young Motorcyclist: A Rare Combination Requires a Combined Approach

EC Orthopaedics 12.2 (2021): 12(2): 67-72

Splenic Rupture with Dissection of the R
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The relevance of the leading injury in claiming whiplash patients            EC Orthopaedics 11.8 (2020): 157-162

The relevance of the leading injury in c
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Impingement of the Shoulder Joint after Road Traffic Accidents: Is There a Whiplash of the Shoulder Joint?

EC Orthopaedics 10.10 (2019): 816-822.

Impingement of the Shoulder Joint after Road Traffic Accidents: Is There a Whiplash of the Shoulder Joint?
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Injuries Of The Scapholunate Ligament: How Often Do We Miss IT?

EC Orthopaedics 10 (3): 117-122 Published Feb 26 2019

Injuries Of The Scapholunate Ligament: How Often Do We Miss It?
Injuries Of The Scapholunate Ligament Ho
Adobe Acrobat Document 406.9 KB

The Significance of Ultrasound in Juvenile Distal Forearm Fractures : EC Orthopaedicss. 9(10): 762-768 Published Oct 10 2018

The Significance of Ultrasound in Juvenile Distal Forearm Fractures
EC Ortho Ultrasound and distal radius fr
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.9 MB

The Medicolegal Aspect Of The Scapholunate Injury

The Medicolegal Aspect Of The Scapholunate Injury - EC Orthopaedics. 3(3): 296-302. Published: May 14, 2016

Scapholunate injuries - The medicolegal aspect
Scapholunate Injury - The medicolegal as
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Brake Pedal Injuries to the Foot: Not Always Too Obvious. EC Orthopaedics 3.5 (2016): 396-398. Published August 2016

Brake Pedal Injuries to the Foot: Not Always Too Obvious
Brake Pedal Injuries to the Foot.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 491.3 KB

Injuries To The Lisfranc Joint And Its Significance For The Patient.

EC Orthopaedics 5.6 (2017): 246-254.

Injuries To The Lisfranc JOoint And Its Significance For The Patient
Injuries ti the Lisfranc Joint and its s
Adobe Acrobat Document 787.6 KB

How Can Ultrasound Reduce The Number Of Negligence Claims? Expert Witness Journal, Summer 2017

How Can Ultrasound Reduce The Number Of
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The Late Lesion Of The Subclavian Artery As Rare Complication Of A Nonunion Of A Clavicular Fracture

EC Orthopaedics 9.7 (2018):

The Late Lesion Of The Subclavian Artery As Rare Complication Of A Nonunion Of A Clavicular Fracture
The rare secondary Lesion of the subclav
Adobe Acrobat Document 532.9 KB