Our scientific work
We are committed to lock behind our medicolegal work. As a result, we have started to discuss interesting cases and to find out their relevance for our Clients and our work. The Client's injury is put into context with a review of the best available literature. The essence is published and made accessible to the public.
The Isolated Volkmann Fracture
Intracranial Hemorrhage in Intoxicated Patients: A High Degree of Suspicion Leads to the Diagnosis
The Masked Heart Attack in a 72-year Old With Chronic Neck Pain
Cement Burn Leading to the Amputation of the Lower Leg
Spontaeous intracerebral bleeding under Xarelto
Maisonneuve like injuries to the ankle - A case review
Chronified lower back pain after whiplash - What can the expert expect?
Spontaneous Splenic Rupture under Xarelto
Ileocolic intussusception secondary to a small bowel lipoma
Pneumothorax with pneumomediastinum and extensive subcutaneous emphysema related to Covid-19 infection
EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine 10.4 (2021): 34-37.
Splenic Rupture with Dissection of the Renal Artery in a Young Motorcyclist: A Rare Combination Requires a Combined Approach
EC Orthopaedics 12.2 (2021): 12(2): 67-72
The relevance of the leading injury in claiming whiplash patients EC Orthopaedics 11.8 (2020): 157-162
Impingement of the Shoulder Joint after Road Traffic Accidents: Is There a Whiplash of the Shoulder Joint?
EC Orthopaedics 10.10 (2019): 816-822.
Injuries Of The Scapholunate Ligament: How Often Do We Miss IT?
EC Orthopaedics 10 (3): 117-122 Published Feb 26 2019
The Significance of Ultrasound in Juvenile Distal Forearm Fractures : EC Orthopaedicss. 9(10): 762-768 Published Oct 10 2018
The Medicolegal Aspect Of The Scapholunate Injury
The Medicolegal Aspect Of The Scapholunate Injury - EC Orthopaedics. 3(3): 296-302. Published: May 14, 2016
Brake Pedal Injuries to the Foot: Not Always Too Obvious. EC Orthopaedics 3.5 (2016): 396-398. Published August 2016
Injuries To The Lisfranc Joint And Its Significance For The Patient.
EC Orthopaedics 5.6 (2017): 246-254.
How Can Ultrasound Reduce The Number Of Negligence Claims? Expert Witness Journal, Summer 2017
The Late Lesion Of The Subclavian Artery As Rare Complication Of A Nonunion Of A Clavicular Fracture